Acts10 Helping WOFAR Help Others

  Acts10 has had the honor and privilege of helping WOFAR (Women For African Refugees) in the greater Nairobi area. WOFAR, started and run by Moureen Walulya, assists lesbian and bisexual women by providing emergency shelter, advocacy, and education on the prevention of illnesses such as TB and hep C and passes on food donations they receive to women in need in the LGBTQ+ community. When able, they also provide financial assistance to hospitalized community members and those affected by recent protests and violence against the LGBTQ+ community, particularly when other shelters are targeted. Moureen and WOFAR also greatly assisted with the free medical clinic Acts10 put on in Nairobi earlier this year! 

     WOFAR recently moved to a much nicer space, a home they rent with enough space for their chicken farm! Acts10 paid rent at their previous location ($250/month), an apartment in a building with several floors that did not provide adequate privacy and safety for them. Now, we pay for rent at their new location ($500/month). Soon, their chicken farm will make them self-sufficient! They will sell 10,000-15,000 chickens/month to local hotels and restaurants! They will, however, need money for a car to transport the chickens. For now, they pay for a taxi wherever they go.  

After this project, they will set up a beauty salon near a local university for nails and hair. Moureen has her certification for this, and this will help provide a second source of income for their rent, food, and utilities. Please help them help others by donating to Acts10! This will help cover the cost of their rent, utilities, and a car that will get them on the road to independence! As always, your donations are fully tax-deductible! 



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