Let’s take a look through 2024 and see some of what Acts10 accomplished! Total giving for Acts10 totaled $65,751.12. The following represent some of the highlights.
Acts10 paid rent for and helped with utilities and food for three LGBTQ+ shelters, two in the greater Nairobi area—MAREPA (Marginalized Refugee Empowerment Program Africa) and WOFAR (Women for African Refugee Care)–and one in Uganda, a couple of hours drive outside of Kampala. I do not name this shelter or the individual running it as they are under intense scrutiny. For their safety and the safety of those whom they serve, I will only tell of their activities.
MAREPA rent: $2602.00
WOFAR rent: $5504.95
Ugandan shelter rent: $2400.00
Total rent paid: $10, 506.95
The year started off with a bang as we did a Free Medical Clinic for Refugees, particularly those in the LGBTQ Community, out of MAREPA from Feb 2-11, 2024. If you haven’t yet watched the powerpoint for this trip, here you go! ACTS10–KENYA 2024.pptx . Acts10 spent:
$3975.00 for airfare for Dr. Tara, Onics, and Richard (two refugees who started the MAREPA shelter, but have subsequently been resettled in the US).
$1928.64 for separate hotel rooms for the three of us at The Boma Hotel.
$10,740 for medications, supplies, and permits
Total for Medical Camp: $16, 643.64
The next big project Acts10 undertook was WOFAR’s Chicken Project! Moureen had a vision for a large-scale chicken operation where WOFAR would raise chickens for sale to restaurants and hotels. WOFAR moved from their small apartment in a multi-story apartment building early in the year to a large, rented home on the outskirts of town. She discussed this proposition with her landlady, who was thoroughly impressed! So, Acts10 undertook to slowly fund the construction of the chicken barn! The chickens have now arrived! In 2024, Acts10 contributed $6948.26! See photos below!

Acts10 also funded some smaller things that helped individuals. The person who runs the shelter in Uganda cares for their father, and he had a heart attack this year. Acts10 paid for his hospitalization and subsequent ongoing medication (Plavix, aspirin, beta-blocker, ARB, high-dose statin, etc.) after his catheterization and coronary stent placement. He has done well.

We also paid for a tetanus shot and antibiotics after this boy got a bad cut on his leg and developed a fever.

“JJ,” a refugee in the LGBTQ community, sustained a horribly dislocated clavicle fracture (actually–and scapula and cervical rib) that threatened future use of the arm on that side. Acts10 paid for his surgery and hospital bill.

“Kelly,” a pregnant sex-worker with an untreated seizure disorder, and an alcohol use disorder also presented for help. She already had two kids whom she could not adequately care for on her own. She continued to drink heavily before and after she learned of her pregnancy, and she had seizures regularly. Fortunately, her gestation had not progressed too far for her to get an abortion. Acts10 paid for this. During this procedure, the treating physician noted her very large, bleeding fibroids which caused a chronic anemia. After discussing her options with her, she elected to have a hysterectomy. Her anemia would resolve and she would never have more children to care for. Acts10 covered this surgery as well. In speaking with another former sex-worker Acts10 provided for last year, Kelly seized this opportunity to invest in her future! She has left prostitution and started a small business selling fruits and vegetables in a market stand. Kelly has also stopped abusing alcohol!
These expenses are listed below:
Ugandan shelter-keeper’s father’s hospital bills and medications: $3706.10.
Boy’s treatment for wound: $115.61
JJ’s imaging, surgery, and meds: $1125.84
Kelly’s surgeries: $1085.66