1. Baseline Support for MAREPA and WOFAR Shelters in Rongai, Kenya (rent, food, utilities)
  • MAREPA $200/month x 12 months= $2400
  • WOFAR $500/month x 12 months=$6000—down by 50%, so $300 [WOFAR will become much more self-sustaining as they raise chickens to sell, so reducing their support by 50%]
  • Mityana $500/month (includes JM’s Dad’s meds) x 12 months=$6000

    Total for baseline support for shelters=$11,400

    2. Vehicle/van for shelters in Rongai: 550,000Ksh=$4250

    3. Motorcycle for shelters in Rongai: 85,000Ksh=$656

    4. Medications and supplies for clinic based on last year’s clinic: $10,000/month x 12 months=$120,000

    5. EKG machine w leads, stickers= $2000

    6. Handheld doppler= $1000

    7. My medical license in Kenya: 20,000Ksh=$154

    8. Licensure for clinic: 20,000Ksh=$154

    9. Food for lunch for staff at clinic: $75/week, $300/month, $3600/year

    10. Airfare roundtrip twice for me/year=$4000

    11. My visa to Kenya=$34

    Grand Total: $147,248

    Future Initiative: At some point, I will want a portable US machine with 2-3 probes. I don t need this immediately, but this plus the training for it will run around $15,000 USD.


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